THE GIRL WHO MAKES SILVER SENSUOUS, Talk in English (French translated)
SUNDAY MAY 5th, 10-11h
CHATEAU-MUSEE GRIMALDI, 2nd floor, Place du château, 08600 Cagnes-sur-Mer
During my studies in the 90s in Sweden, there were teachers and others who told us how things should be, and there were teachers and others who let us do as we wished. I preferred the latter and tried to find what I found interesting. In the final year of art school in 1998, some friends and I did a performance. One person who saw it was Vivianna Torun Bülow-Hübe. The next day, we had lunch together, and she supported us in following our own path. Perhaps she was one of them who gave me the courage to start PLATINA, which over the years has evolved into a gallery for contemporary jewellery art. When I was invited to Destination Bijou at Château Grimaldi in Cagnes-sur-Mer, it was obvious to pay tribute to her and show what some Swedish silversmiths and jewellery artists are working on today. For a few years, she moved from Sweden and settled in Biot. I will talk about why I started PLATINA, give some examples of what I have done over the years, and show works from the artists I have chosen for the exhibition “The girl who makes silver sensuous”.
Sofia Björkman / PLATINA

Photo : Urban Jörén

Photo : Staffan Lövstedt